English Level Test 35280× 45 min Placement test Markéta Grígeľová 1 another test 50 questions Advanced Invite a friend to the test Launch 1× per day Code: BASICSEL
Irregular Verbs 1 27083× 10 min Irregular verbs Jana Matějková 2 other tests 15 questions Slightly advanced Invite a friend to the test Launch 3× per day Code: SCCYLLU
Fill In The Correct Preposition 12147× 7 min Prepositions Pavla Simonsen 15 questions Slightly advanced Invite a friend to the test Simply choose the correct miss ... Simply choose the correct missing preposition in each sentence. Launch 1× per day Code: BASPREP01
Grammar: definite, indefinite, or zero article 25837× 5 min Various Radoslav Juřík 10 questions Slightly advanced Invite a friend to the test Note for Czech native speakers ... Note for Czech native speakers / Poznámka pro našince: Tento test vznikl za účelem procvičení a ověření znalostí používání členů v angličtině. Toto téma je hezky vysvětleno na stránce Členy v angličtině (articles). Launch 10× per day Code: ARTICLES
The Use of the Verb "to be" 7669× 10 min Personal pronoun and the verb "to be" Jana Matějková 2 other tests 15 questions Beginner Invite a friend to the test Launch 3× per day Code: DMDQIHF
Everyday English 4579× 30 min General listening Pavel Ponížil 20 questions Beginner Invite a friend to the test Launch 1× per day Code: ECLASICE2
Basic Prepositions 3139× 10 min Prepositions Jana Matějková 2 other tests 10 questions Beginner Invite a friend to the test Launch 2× per day Code: XAQLTCD
Prepositions of Time 2674× 7 min Prepositions Markéta Grígeľová 1 another test 15 questions Beginner Invite a friend to the test Launch 4× per day Code: NGWZFUU
Head parts and movements 1918× 12 min Words, vocabulary Vocabulary Maps 1 another test 24 questions Beginner Invite a friend to the test Launch 5× per day Code: VMHEADPM
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